Tag Archives: blame

If you always look back, you’re always going to have the past in your present

We can spend an entire lifetime looking back at our mistakes as failures and confirming to ourselves that we have every right to feel miserable and point the finger of blame to our experiences, family members and partners or we can acknowledge that we all have strengths and weaknesses. Beating yourself up over the past…
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Self Love Blog

When we resist an aspect of us, we are saying no to what is right here in this moment. We may not like what we see or experience, and this creates inner turmoil or conflict. We put ourselves down and beat ourselves up continually, somehow making everything in the world, our fault. We over-eat to…
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Speaking my Truth

I used to sit and hold my shame, Because I thought I was to blame Afraid to speak out loud, Because I was too proud This kept me feeling stuck, And I thought I had all the luck I suppressed it for years, All the anxiety, disappointment and tears I hid it well, no one…
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What holds you back?

Corona Virus is a great time to reflect on what you have been attracted to in your life and what you gave permission to stay in your life. Look at all areas of your life including relationships both romantic and platonic, health, work and personal life.  Is each area the way you want it to…
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