Testimonials for Self Love Course

At the end of last year I hit a brick wall. I was exhausted and at an all-time low. Life takes its toll on all of us at times, no matter what your journey has been. I suppose I felt guilty for feeling this way, having been blessed with a loving family, husband and two brilliant boys. This emotional guilt was adding to the baggage. I have always been a caring person, and put others before myself in all aspects of life. I was a people pleaser! However, this was detrimental to my own well-being, and in turn I had no self love or care for myself. I had been going to Jennifer for EFT tapping and Metamorphic technique sessions for a few months, which were amazing! They had really helped to get me to a good place. I had come a long way! However, I knew that I needed to change my ways to ensure that I didn't go back to old habits. I started the self love course feeling pretty apprehensive, however, after the first night I felt completely at ease and safe to share with the group. Since completing the course I no longer talk negatively to myself. I have learned to be kind and care for myself now. By this I don't just mean exercising and taking relaxing baths which I thought was self care. I speak kindly to myself, and I now make sure to take time to be mindful and present. I have also learned not to let a thought snowball into something more. I have learned to accept that thoughts are not fact, and not to judge situations or comments, but to accept them as they are. I can't recommend Jennifer's course enough. It can be tough at times, but facing these emotions and finding out what our triggers are is what challenges us to learn about ourselves. I pushed through the tough weeks and came out the other side smiling. I have learned so much and I am so grateful to Jennifer. If you are thinking about doing this course, don't put it off. Just do it. Do something for you! You won't regret it.  Suzanne

I signed up for this course thinking it was something completely different but I am very glad I did.
You never realise the way you talk and comment about yourself until you are asked to become more aware of it.  This course has encouraged me to be much kinder to myself and much more appreciative of the person I am.
Opening up a little to a small group of people was daunting and totally out of my comfort zone. The group felt safe and Jennifer was and is such a lovely, experienced & encouraging practitioner. Lorraine

I signed up to the self-love course rather hesitantly if I am honest, I loved the sound of it but wasn’t sure what to expect. I found Jen was so welcoming and calming, the group were all so understanding and supportive and I quickly knew I had done the right thing by signing up. I learned some fabulous techniques which I will use both personally and through my work, one example is journaling. There were aspects that were challenging but in a good way as it pushed me outside of my comfort zone which is where change happens right? I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is thinking about it but just isn’t sure (as I was)! Jen will look after you. Carla

I went on to the Self Love course after being recommended to Jennifer by my closest friend… and she didn’t disappoint - she lived up to everything I had been told. I had been giving care to everyone else and really had forgotten about myself so decided to invest in me and do something for me that was positive. This course for me got to the nitty gritty of why I thought the way I did, how to deal with it and most importantly how to overcome it and change old thinking patterns for new ones.  It hasn’t always been easy, but it really has been worth it! My self talk is not what it was - I like myself, love myself even… and I appreciate myself and accept myself for all that I am.   Along the way I have also met a great bunch of people… and even though it was online, there was something even nicer about it. If you’re shy, you will overcome it after Jennifer's bright smile and welcoming nature … and you feel able to share as it is a small group of people, so you never feel like you’re “on show”.  I now value myself, know my worth and feel really positive about carrying on with what I’ve learnt. I want to say a massive thank you to Jennifer, for being you - an Earth Angel … for helping me learn to love myself and to the wonderful group of people I met and was able to share with … who are no longer strangers, but friends.  Ciara xx

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