Self Love Blog

When we resist an aspect of us, we are saying no to what is right here in this moment.

We may not like what we see or experience, and this creates inner turmoil or conflict. We put ourselves down and beat ourselves up continually, somehow making everything in the world, our fault.

We over-eat to compensate for the lack of sweetness life failed to give us. We think that this is it, this is all life has to offer me, what’s the point?

So we continue doing or eating the very thing that causes us to feel more guilt and spiral downwards into the abyss of I am not good enough.

We give up easily when we feel defeated or believe that we are not enough, we are unable to see the way out of the tunnel, we assume its darkness will always be there and we will walk along the dirty, murky water alone and desperate.

The truth is every tunnel has a light at the end of it no matter what size it is, plus you decided to walk through it, you can either accept this or resist it even further.

The more resistance we have, the further away from the truth we are.

Self love changes everything, it aligns us to our truth, what has always been here all along.

If we somehow forgot along our journey that we are love, we go through the shadow aspect of ourselves in order to fully appreciate who we are, we can choose to let go of the behaviours or patterns that no longer serve the love inside of us.

This helps us to adjust our frequency inside us to clear any negative vibes, associations and lessons learned to bring us back into alignment.

Similar to finding our favourite radio station, we must adjust it to bypass the interference before we get a clear signal.

When we love and accept who we are, we stop beating ourselves up for the things we did or didn’t do. We start to see them just as mistakes and that we are only human, we all make mistakes.

We understand the importance of respecting ourselves and putting our needs first because we have not done this many times over and struggled with disappointment and shame.

We begin to believe in ourselves and our self-esteem and self-worth rises and we start to  encourage and support ourselves on our journey, we are able to give ourselves the kindness we give so easily to others.

Are you ready for self - love?

My self love course runs for 6 weeks, if you are willing to let go of your past let me walk you through my course as I present it online and help you stand tall in your present. We will delve into exercises to help you overcome negativity, accept your body image, deal with uncomfortable feelings and more, so you can be a more confident, loving you

You won’t even know the old you anymore!

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