I had a belief that run throughout my entire life. “I can’t move forward easily, it has to be a struggle.”This showed up numerous times in my life, so I constantly confirmed the belief to be true.
A few examples of this was when I wanted to go back to college it brought up fear and anxiety, when I wanted to move house - my family needed my help so I put them first. When I wanted a new car I would talk myself out of it.
I knew that I was bullied as a kid at school so I knew why anxiety and fear would return. But something inside me knew it ran deeper, why else would it constantly show up in my life, that’s when I did Matrix Re-Imprinting.
It changed everything. In the Matrix I accessed a memory related to my core belief "life is a struggle I can’t move forward easily", then 2 other memories presented themselves to me that linked the belief to Birth. It was amazing what I felt, saw and heard during my birth memory and what I had made it mean. This understanding allowed the belief to completely collapse which had a ripple effect in my life. I feel completely different from the inside out, people notice this change and can feel it in my presence. I feel lighter and life is easy breezy.
So, what is Matrix Re-imprinting? Matrix is another name for the Quantum field. Re-imprinting refers to the system by which humans take on the characteristics of their care-givers by observation and limitation.
Sub-conscious programs run 95-99% of our daily behaviour, activities and habits. Many of these programs were imprinted in the first 6 years of your life based on trauma, misperceptions and observing those around you.
These programs are based on images of these past events, held in your local fields and regarded subconsciously as current events.
Eventually when these negative programs cause enough stress the body will try to adapt at a chemical, hormonal, cellular and DNA Level which can result in physical or psychological dis-ease. Matrix Re-imprinting changes these images.
If you are stuck, stressed, fearful or frightened about moving forward, see a pattern showing up in your life or are having a reaction of some kind.
Get in touch and let’s change that for you with a Matrix Re-imprint.
Simple, effective and powerful