Feeling stuck? – You have the power to choose differently

You don't have to stop life just because of a few mistakes. You have the power to choose to do things differently.

Some of you may know that thoughts create our feelings that in turn influence our behaviours. Therefore your thinking can keep you in a place of feeling stuck and influence your behaviour to give up.

When we continue to think the same thoughts we create a belief. This belief could be "I can't handle it." Can you remember a time when you thought - 'I can't handle this?' This self defeating thought could be really old but because it caused an overwhelming feeling of fear, grief or abandonment your mind stores this information and tries to protect you from experiencing anything similar.

The stress response can be turned on simply by just thinking of past experiences.

Trying new experiences can help to release this fear, now I am not asking you to jump out of an aeroplane! but I am asking you to try new things. This must be something that challenges you a little. If you want a new outcome you must first break the old habit.

At first this might come with a minor set back, because your mind will find excuses to resist the change and you may say you have tried everything, but in reality if you have tried everything you wouldn't find yourself here with this dilemma.

Be consistent with your new experiences and when the head tries to intervene, soothe it like you would a little child, and say "its ok, I can handle this" - make this your daily motto and see how things can turn around.

Change takes time - be kind to yourself, tell yourself that it's not going to happen overnight but I desire the change more than feeling stuck.

Check out my page on Metamorphic Technique or EFT if you need any further assistance.

Zen With Jen Belfast & Bangor

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