Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping)

EFT can be used effectively for a number of issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating or sleeping disorders, weight loss, self esteem issues and the release of deep rooted fear.

We all know what it feels like to have fear, pounding heart, sweating, racing pulse, holding of breath, trembling or feeling frozen stiff.

When the fear is triggered by an image, thought, sight, sound, smell, touch or memory the body sensations are intensified.  This is when the emotional part of the brain is on overdrive and we prepare to fight, flee or freeze. When we tap on the acupressure points we send signals to the amygdala in the brain which begins to calm the system down.

The response is there for a reason, it is a function to assure survival. So when our bodies are faced with danger or threat of danger our body goes through several physical reactions to prepare us to respond and keep us alive.

But what if your Amygdala (fight/flight/freeze centre) is not resetting itself after a fearful or traumatic situation and you are being triggered by thoughts, memories, experiences, smells, sounds or images. This is when the emotional part of the brain is on overdrive, the body sensations are being intensified and you may experience that fight/flight/freeze or panic in situations where others may not.

EFT is an effective tool to enable the releasing of deep-rooted fear. The arousal levels are dropped and the rational part of the brain takes over.

Freeze/fawn is a Healthy Response of the Nervous System. When you freeze you may not realize this is a trauma response. You may judge yourself as being cowardly or believe there must be something wrong with you for being too afraid to speak up or too afraid to ask questions.

You may have learned to survive and keep yourself safe by being non-confrontational and not asking questions that seemed dangerous to you.

There is no shame in the freeze response.

It is a natural response for the nervous system to shut down for protection. The cognitive brain goes offline and the fawn response kicks in for safety. The fawn response is a trauma response that is not within conscious control. The “fawning” is trying to appease someone in order to stop or minimize painful behaviour or threat.

It can be unlearned using EFT tapping.

I use EFT Tapping with my clients for many forms of psychological distress, physical pain, self esteem and performance.

There is Strong scientific support for EFT tapping. This support comes from more than 100 peer-reviewed clinical studies. The strongest evidence for EFT tapping's effectiveness is for PTSD, depression and anxiety.

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