Building trust with yourself

We must learn to trust our own instincts and our own navigation system, otherwise we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by external influences.

We have all that we need in every single one of us. So why do we not trust ourselves?

Maybe you trusted someone in your life, a parent/caregiver, a friend, a teacher or a partner who let you down or hurt you. Maybe this hurt was repeated and it created a fear that others cant be trusted.

The mind will create a protective mechanism to keep us safe when fear gets lodged in our muscle memory. Whilst this helps us initially it can leave us feeling suspicious of people's intentions or guarded around certain people.

We can get caught up in past programming, fears and limitations and believe that's its unsafe to be ourselves. That we won't be accepted or approved of, if we show up as ourselves.

Does this sound familiar to you or someone you know?

You can begin to trust yourself by making a decision and sticking to it. Taking responsibility whether it goes well or not.

This will help you build confidence within yourself.

Start with something small until you feel comfortable to decide on bigger things... such as:

  • spending time with yourself, journaling or meditating
  • choosing a book that you want to read, and finish it
  • Going a walk or drive somewhere new and notice what you enjoy or dislike about it, get to know yourself again
  • trying something new i.e. joining a class for a specified time and sticking to it.

It's time to reconnect to your inner wisdom and trust yourself again this will help you to reconnect and trust others.

Love Jennifer 🌷

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