Flower Essence Remedies

Flower essences contain healing energy of watered down extracts from flowers that work directly on the emotions to bring the body back into balance.

Flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment used to rebalance your thoughts and emotions.

Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which are used to address profound issues of emotional wellbeing so you can deal with day to day life more easily. They are 100% safe and gentle to use whether taken internally or sprayed on the skin.

Flower essences impact the energy fields of the soul to affect physical wellbeing, they can work immediately or take longer for long term issues.

There are 39 flower essences, and each has its own therapeutic properties. Flower essences can be used by anyone, even children or as a spray on pets.

There is no fragrance or dye or anything that you can react to or that could interfere with medications you may be taking.

As gentle as they are, flower essences can bring buried emotions to the surface so on rare occasions you may feel uncomfortable before you feel better. This means old emotions are coming up to be released, which means you are allowing yourself to heal at a deep level.

A personalised remedy can be made for you, please contact me if you wish one to be sent to your address.

Some of the benefits are:

  • promotes well being
  • strengthens immune system
  • balances emotions and thoughts
  • feeling more confident and creative
  • experience more joy
  • more forgiving
  • better relationships with family, partner or friends
  • release of emotional or physical trauma
  • more clarity / focus

how to use

  • Take drops under your tongue as directed
  • Place drops into water and sip at your leisure
  • Spray bottle as directed on skin or for pets

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