We label an experience as good or bad - however the actual experience is just an experience
Have you ever got caught in the rain and it was no big deal? but another day you caught in the rain and you found it frustrating?
The rain didn't change - it was just your thinking that changed.
We do this all the time, one minute we are happy and then something shifts and we are feeling discomfort...
For instance, A person can be walking in a forest. Feeling calm and peaceful as they see a butterfly fluttering by, listening to the songs of the birds and feeling the warmth of the sun shining through the huge oak and sycamore trees.
Then that person has a thought such as: thinking about an ex they used to go walks with in the forest and before they know it, they are caught up in the content of their thoughts of who or what they think they are and what they think they did wrong. Causing discomfort and possibly an emotional reaction in the body.
If the person was unaware of what they thought, they may blame that particular place for their discomfort and leave or never return.
But the forest didn't change, the person just choose to attach to a past thought and play out a scenario in their heads which caused them to come out of the present moment.
So the problem was not the environment but the person's choice to follow a story from the past that didn't exist in actual reality.
We experience discomfort due to the way we think about people, events and situations.
So if you are fearful, worried or anxious - ask yourself what am I thinking about this? What deeper meaning have I given it.
If caught up in thought, simply bring your attention to your surroundings and your breath and you will come back into the present moment and be able to see life's beauty again.
You are not what you think, you only think you are.
Thoughts are just thoughts, they are not fact.
Love Jennifer